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Special Somatic Exploration Evening with Linda Zurak and Li Tadaa!

Do you want to increase your capacity for healthy relationships?

Would you like to be able to maintain connection even when triggered?

Are you curious about somatic work?

Welcome for an evening to experience deep somatic group work. This evening Li Tadaa has invited Linda Zurak from the UK, a somatic movement therapist with 12 years of experience with healing and trauma work.  

Many have experienced this work in private sessions, this evening we are bringing it into a group setting where both experienced practitioners and beginners can learn. 

What is the evening about?

Everything we have experienced lives in the body in the form of emotions, tensions, and sensations. Many people can meditate and feel inner peace and harmony, but when relating often old patterns come back to the surface. 

In this evening we will learn to embody our triggers and emotional experiences which in the long run helps us improve our inner stability and the quality of our relationships. 

How will we do this?

In the first part, we will use movement and connection to the body for all of us to drop into what is alive within us. A regulated nervous system is not necessarily calm, it is naturally pendulating and responding to the present moment. As we allow what is alive in us, naturally the room feels more authentic and safe. 

Our body knows how to regulate and connect, but we learned when we were very young to tense up instead, please, or defend ourselves to the degree that we believe that’s our normal state. 

This first part of the work will help us go beyond these patterns and sense the needs of connection and authentic expression that lies behind. 

In the second part, there will be an opportunity for individuals to come up and process their experiences in front of the group and receive support. This will not only be healing for the person but for the whole group. As we witness and honor the emotions of someone expressing what wants to come alive, the entire room will feel the effect. This way we go from individual authenticity to collective belonging. 

What to expect?

  • A deep experience of somatic work

  • Feeling the effect of witnessing others moving through vulnerable emotional states

  • Learn how all humans have the same needs and responses

  • Experience how we can heal through the body in a group setting.

  • Releasing shame and inviting connection

  • Tools to improve our capacity to relate

Everything is voluntary this evening, you will be invited to listen to your needs and there is a support team helping the space feel held and safe. This evening will share how processes work and give you a deep experience, however, we can’t expect to heal deep traumas in just one evening.

Where & When?

Sankt Paulsgatan 39A - May 6th, 18:00-21:00.


18:00: Arrival and mingle!
18:15: Drums and embodiment exercises to connect to the body followed by the workshop


Normal ticket: 590Sek
Low income ticket: 350Sek

If you must cancel your spot, let me know so someone else can take your place (or post in the Facebook event about it). The booking fee is nonrefundable unless given to someone else to take your spot.

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